6-Minute Full Body Workout (no equipment)
This short full-body workout is best:
* for anytime during your cycle
* for a quick burst of energy
* to work the whole body in a quick and efficient way -
6-Minute Full Body (dumbbells & short band)
14-Minute Lower Body Fine-Tuning (short band)
Red short resistance band
12-Minutes Lower Body & 2 Min. Deep Breathing
This workout will effectively lift your butt, firm the inner thighs, define your quads and hamstrings and up your lower body flexibility.
14-Minute Abs HIIT (no equipment)
10 reps of 10 ab exercises with intermittent HIIT segments
14-Minute Arm & Upper Body Definition (dumbbells)
9-Minute Lower Body (no equipment)
No equipment
7-Minute Upper Body (dumbbells)
21-Minute Total Core (no equipment)
Abs, obliques, back
4-Minute HIIT (no equipment)
4 moves, 30 secs each, 2 rounds
21-minute Strength HIIT Workout (dumbbells)
Dumbbells needed
15-Minute Full Body (no equipment)
We are working upper, lower body, abs and back, followed by a short HIIT interval. 3 rounds total.
9-Minute Core Workout (safe for diastasic recti)
Great post-partum ab repair routine, but also a great core workout for anyone.
7-Minute Beginner Core Routine (safe for diastasic recti)
Great post-partum ab repair routine, but also a great core workout for anyone.
20-Minute Upper Body/Core/Glutes (dumbbells)
Using dumbbells, we are creating enough muscle fatigue in your entire upper body, core and glutes to create a lean and sculpted physique while also increasing your heart rate.
7-Minute Fat-burning HIIT (no equipment)
This HIIT workout features 7 moves you complete for one minute each. This is non-stop full-on intensity, so be sure to do this on a day that's relatively low in stress, you're well rested and recovered or to burn off a bigger carb dinner from the night before.
6-minute Donkey Kick Routine
Do this butt-lifting routine 3x a week and have a lifted, firmer and more rounded butt in just 4 weeks.
5-Minute ‘Stand-By-Routine’ with long and short resistance bands
These 10 moves will work your entire body and are your go-to when time is short and yet you want to work your entire body. When short on time, perform this routine several times throughout the day to rack up a full body workout.
4-Minute HIIT Workout (no equipment)
16-minute glute supreme workout
5-Minute Standby Routine (long and short bands)
This 5 minute routine works your entire body. Perform one round as your bare minimum maintenance workout. Do 2 to achieve muscle fatigue, create heat and boost your heart rate and muscle failure. Perform 3 rounds to achieve a level of fatigue that requires a rest day the next day. Good for any ti...
9-Minute Lower Body Workout (short resistance band)
This workout:
* can be done during any time of your cycle
* followed up with a full day of rest for your lower body -
6-Minute Lower Body: 140 Lunges & Squats (no equipment)
This workout is a quick way to strengthen and tone the entire lower body: quads, hamstrings, glutes, inner thighs, calves. Ideally complete 3 rounds of this if you use this as 'leg day' and incorporate a rest day the next day.
This low-intensity workout can be done at any time during your cyc...
9-Minute Back and Core (no equipment)
This 9-minute workout focuses on strengthening your entire back side, from the upper back to lower back, glutes and hamstrings, while focusing on overall core strength. Back and core muscles need a rest day after being worked, so do this 3x a week max.